Sacred Portal Sessions

“I can’t put into words how healing it has been getting the opportunity to work with her [Maggie]. She is endlessly kind, understanding, raw, honest, intuitive and gentle. She creates such a soft place to land. I’m a huge advocate for traditional therapy, but I truly believe our sessions have done more for me than talk therapy ever has. It is its own kind of therapy. It reaches parts of me that I didn’t even know existed. I cannot recommend enough - working with her in some capacity. It has really been life changing.”

Alissa Bowers

In Sacred Portal Sessions I accompany you as you journey through the doorways of loss, death, grief and other major life transitions.

In Sacred Portal Sessions I intuit and hold space for whatever arises for you on your path, whether that be the big, dark, scary feelings that may creep up, or the jubilance you may feel in your aha moments as you alchemize and identify the medicine you are here to offer the world.

If you are feeling lost of stuck in your grief, Sacred Portal Sessions are for you.

If you are wanting to weave in whimsy and magic into your grief practice, Sacred Portal Sessions are for you.

Sacred Portal Sessions are about slowly opening up to the medicine of your grief.

In Sacred Portal Sessions, we integrate modalities such as:
~ somatic practices
~ journal prompts
~ ritual
~ intuitive energy work
~ homework / heartwork

In Sacred Portal Sessions, you will be witnessed, held and most of all remember your magic. It’s all about you and the way your pain and grief uniquely moves, longs to be expressed and alchemized.

Single Session

Step into the portal and get a feel for Sacred Portal Sessions in a one-off single session with Maggie where we weave in somatic practices, intuitive energy work & healing, deep listening and ritual to honor your heart, mind and spirit. 2 Payment options available.
$155 ~ supporting payment tier
$75 ~ supported payment tier


Descend into the mystery of the unknown realms and cultivate relationship with the process of alchemizing pain and grief. Receive 6 Sacred Portal sessions over the course of 3 months + support via email in between.
payment plan available

Emergence Mentorship

A 6 month journey of coming into being and to align you with your gifts & medicine as you uncover, unmask and alchemize pain and grief. Receive 12 sessions over the course of 6 months with support via email.
payment plan available


Schedule a free 20 minute vibe check.

“I have been working with Maggie for the past couple of years following the loss of a partner by suicide. Even though our sessions have mostly been remote, I can feel the connection and her healing presence which has helped me move through grief beyond words. It is rare to find someone like Maggie who has created these amazing offerings to support people in her community and beyond. I am so glad I did and highly encourage you to schedule a one-on-one session or join a group gathering.”

Laura K.

“I met Maggie at a time in my life where everything was literally falling apart at the seams, and she has helped to guide me through not only those tough times, but the good ones too. Maggie consistently shows up with an open heart and mind, and I know I can count on her to meet me exactly where I am. The time we spend together is invaluable.”

Sam T.

The warmth, empathy and kindness that Maggie brings into her work is truly inspiring. I feel such amazing energy and warmth that I never received or experienced before and it always moves me to tears because of the compassion I can feel. It is truly a gift for which I am grateful.”

Amy S. from Massachusetts