Death Midwifery in the Columbia River Gorge

I am a death midwife and death educator. I support humans and pets through the threshold of the dying process.
I provide support that is personal, compassionate, empathic and intuitive.
I meet you and your loved ones where you are at and am here to answer your questions about the death and dying process.

See offerings below.

Remote Support

Remote death midwifery support may look like:

  • phone and/or video calls

  • text message availability

  • discussing end of life care and preparations

  • offered for humans and animals

  • after death care phone calls

  • grief coaching and support

  • Death With Dignity education (OR and WA)

If you or someone you know are in need of remote death midwifery support please reach out to set up a phone consultation.

In Person Support

I offer in person death education and support to the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon and Washington within 45 minutes driving distance from Hood River, OR.

This may look like:

  • in person visits

  • phone and/or video calls

  • text message availability

  • discussing end of life care and preparations

  • Death with Dignity education and preparation

  • information & facilitator for home vigil and home funeral

  • offered for humans and animals

  • after-death care (phone calls and visits)

  • aftercare grief coaching and guidance

If you are in need of in person death midwifery or death education support please reach out to set up a time for an initial phone consultation.