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Going with Grief

Going With Grief
A 3 part virtual series exploring the dance of grief’s invitation.

When you are done with Going With Grief, I can promise that you are going to feel empowered to honor your grief.

For those feeling drawn to listen deeply and move consciously with your grief (and at your own pace) I am offering a 3 part virtual series this fall that includes:

- somatic exploration of grief in the body through movement and breathwork
- guided meditations to ground and connect with the heart
- space to witness and be witnessed in grief (sharing is always optional)
- journaling invitations
- gentle guidance and grief rituals to take with you
- connect with a virtual network of others in practice with their grief
- individual support by email
- opportunity to schedule individual time with me

Grief is hard and most of us are not given a roadmap or instructions for how to move through it. Perhaps you have been encouraged to “get over it” or “let time heal all.” But these are beliefs and ideas about grief rooted in white supremacy and productivity-obsessed capitalism. To take the time to learn about and FROM your grief is a radical choice as it asks us to slow down, deeply listen, and be with.

While everyone’s experience and needs are different, the intention in Going with Grief is that your grief becomes more accessible through grief practices, ritual and within the support of an intimate container.

Through this series you are invited to learn about the living, breathing energy that is your grief as you get to know its invitation.

What does it ask of it?
What is it showing you?
What does it need?
Where is it showing up?
How does it want to move or express?

These are just some of the questions we will be exploring together.

Dates and Times :
Oct 5 & 6
2:30-4:30pm PST / 5:30pm-7:30pm EST
Saturday Oct 7
12:00-2:00pm PST

Recordings will be available.

Option 1 - $135 (partial scholarship rate)

Option 2 - $275 (series rate)
Suggested for those in a space of financial stability: you are able to pay for your basic needs, minimal debt, have some savings and extra income to spend on things you enjoy.)

Option 3 - $410 (series rate + partial scholarship rate)
Suggested for those in a space of financial stability: you are able to pay for your basic needs, have no debt, abundant savings, possibly multiple sources of income, are able to spend money on things like travel, entertainment without worrying it will impact your ability to pay monthly bills.)

Payment is by honor system. Please select your option upon registering.

To register for Going with Grief, click here.

September 19

Circles of Solace Fall Series

November 14

Grief Around the Holidays (VIRTUAL)