Companioning & Holding Space

Holding sacred space for your courageous heart.

The reason, I think, most personal grief goes untended and left to future generations to mitigate is because people don’t trust the world they live in to hold them in those times, and let them be messy and unusual long enough for grief to happen.

-MartÍn Prechtel.

As a trauma-informed Grief Companion, a Certified Holding Space Consultant and an intuitive I am here to hold space for and meet you in your grief, through loss, times of life transition, diagnosis of an illness (for you or a loved one), the loss of a pet, the loss of a loved one or another event that rocks your world to its core.

In Companioning Sessions, I hold space for your courageous heart.

Companioning Sessions

I offer remote individual Companioning Sessions. During these sessions I show up to hold space for the shifts and challenges you are experiencing. Each session is based on the individual, where you are in your process, and what arises intuitively. It is always my intention to be a grounding support.

During Companioning Sessions, I provide a compassionate, curious presence in a space to connect with your breath, your body’s wisdom, your emotional body, what feels most present, and what is asking for your attention. 

These consultations are appropriate for anyone that is grieving, going through a life transition, or anyone who feels the need for compassionate presence and space held.

What you may expect in Companioning Sessions:

~ Compassionate listening
~ Intuitive counseling
~ Intuitive somatic work
~ Energy work
~ Gentle guided movement
~ Space held for what is present
~ Connecting with guides
~ Guided meditations
~ Grounding practices

Companioning the Griever

It may be helpful to know that I specialize in providing support throughout the grieving process. This includes any and all griefs - from the little griefs of everyday to the monumental losses that shake our world and change our lives forever.

These sessions are curated to be a welcoming space for all that grief brings to the table.

Some examples of what you may be grieving:

~the death of a person in your life
~the death of a beloved pet or companion animal
~the end of any kind of relationship
~the loss of a job
~parts of yourself that no longer feel they are a part of you
~the loss of a community, home, etc.
~ecological grief

The intention with these sessions is never to cure, fix, or put an end to grief. Instead, I provide a loving, grounding support so that you may learn how to live with your grief.

Cost and Packages for Companioning Sessions

~ 1 month grief companioning and mentorship for four (4) 60 minute sessions for $500 ($125 per session)

~ 3 months grief companioning and mentorship for twelve (12) 60 minute sessions for $1,440 ($120 per session)

*Packages include email and text support between sessions.

One session - $135 per 60 minutes

Payments accepted by Venmo, Paypal, or check.

Please know that Companioning Sessions are different from Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

If you are in need of financial support, please email me.

Questions? Please email

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”

— C.S. Lewis